Gravitational Waves

the strong and dynamical filed of general relativity

Gravitational Waves(GWs) are the prediction of General Relativity(GR). In the 100th anniversary of GR, mankind detected GW directly for the first time, openning an new era of physics.

GWs are the ripples of spacetime. They can only be sourced in the strong and highly dynamical situations, like compact binary coalescence(CBC), supernovae collapse and cosmological phase transition...But up untill today, only CBC GWs have been detected.


Neutron Stars

The most exotic objects in the Universe

When stars burn out their fuel, they would explode and then collapse to white dwarfts, neutron stars and even black holes, among which neutron stars attract me the most.

The density of neutron star matter exceeds ten times the nuclear satruation density, making the Equaiton of State (EoS) of it a mystery. The EoS of the matter inside the neutron star cores can not be calculated from first principle, and can only be constrained from astrophysical observations. Various possibilities have been proposed but we are still a distance away from the truth. GW from Neutron stars is a highly promising new avenue towards this myth.


GW cosmology

the standard siren

Luminosity distance can be directly determined from GW amplitude, unlike the standard candle, which requires extra calibration. Because GW detection is more like auditory than vision, there is a better term, the 'standard siren'.

However redshift is degenerated with mass. In the case of EM counterparts detected, they're called bright sirens and redshift can be measured by the EM signal. Without EM counterparts, they're dark sirens. For them, redshift can still be determined either from statistical method or using the tidal deformabilities of neutron stars.


About me

My education, research and everything else


B. S. (honors) in astrophysics (2020)
University of Science and Technology of China


PhD. in astrophysics (ongoing)
University of Science and Technology of China